Erectile dysfunction is one of the urgent problems of men over 35 years of age.
According to the results of statistical studies and sociological surveys, it was found that more than 30% of men suffer from full chili partial potency. However, only 5% of men turn to a specialist for help with such a delicate problem. In the majority of cases, men experiencing problems during intercourse try to solve the problem by taking erection-enhancing drugs, which cannot eliminate the cause of potency, but only stimulate sexual excitement during intercourse.
Such "treatment" methods lead to the aggravation of the main cause of impotence, as a result of which many complications can occur in the form of a complete lack of potency, infertility and other health problems that do not allow a man to live a full sexual life.
There are many reasons that prevent a man from having sex, all of which can develop at a physiological, psychological or pathological level.
The main reasons for potency
Erectile dysfunction is nothing more than a reflection of a man's physical or psychological state. The whole body is involved in the process of sexual excitement. The brain is believed to be responsible for the process, which transmits impulses throughout the body, resulting in increased blood flow to the pelvic organs and an increased erection. The cause of potency is often cumulative causes that combine several problems.
Problems with potency can be caused by the following unfavorable factors:
- Psychogenic.
- Neurogenic.
- Hormonal.
- Vessel;
- Taking medicines;
- External factors.
Given the individuality of each male body, other factors can cause impotence, but regardless of the cause, it should be identified and eliminated, this will help the man restore sexual excitement and strengthen the erection.
Psychogenic causes of potency
The following psychological factors can cause potential problems:
- problems, failures at work or in the family;
- stress, depression, neurosis, fear;
- little self-confidence;
- asthenoneurotic syndrome;
- childhood psychological trauma;
- unsuccessful first sexual intercourse;
- problems in relationships with partners, lack of love, trust and misunderstanding.
Neurogenic causes
Neurogenic factors contributing to the reduction or complete absence of potency lie in the disruption of the brain and peripheral system, which are responsible for the functioning of the entire organism:
- congenital abnormalities in the structure of the lower spine;
- disorders of the development of the central nervous system;
- infectious processes in the spinal cord;
- degenerative changes in the central nervous system;
- infectious or non-infectious autoimmune diseases.
Primary or secondary problems of the central nervous system and the peripheral system can completely cause the absence of an erection. Such pathologies develop as a result of injuries, tumor-like neoplasms, and develop after surgery.
Hormonal disorders
Hormonal imbalance in the male body can cause erectile dysfunction. Such pathological processes can develop with a decrease in the production of testosterone (male sex hormone), diseases of the endocrine glands or metabolic disorders of the body:
- diabetes;
- hyperprolactinemia;
- thyroid pathology.
Hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to infertility.
Vascular disorders
Violation of blood flow, changes in the vascular system cause erectile dysfunction in 60% of cases. Pathological processes can be congenital or acquired and can develop as a complication after many diseases:
- vascular hypoplasia;
- injuries, fractures of pelvic bones;
- perineal injury;
- damage to the urethra;
- arteriosclerosis;
- hypertension;
- varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
In addition to the above reasons that contribute to the development of potency, there are other diseases or pathologies in which blood circulation is disturbed.
Taking strong drugs:
Pharmacological drugs are considered one of the reasons for the decrease in male potency. There are several drugs that increase effectiveness:
- psychotropic drugs;
- antihypertensive drugs;
- anticancer drugs (cytostatics);
- hormonal drugs that contain female sex hormones.
External factors
Violation of sexual activity is often manifested against the background of other factors that adversely affect the male body:
- poisoning of the body with chemical or toxic substances at the workplace;
- climatic conditions;
- inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
- alcohol abuse;
- smoking;
- to do drugs.
- poor quality food;
- lack of compliance.
How to help a man?
In order to help a man solve potency problems, it is necessary to determine the cause of the violation. If the reason lies in a man's psychological health, then he should turn to a psychologist or a sexual partner who can support the man and help him overcome difficulties.
If the reason lies in the man's health and the presence of accompanying diseases in the anamnesis, then the help of a specialist is essential. Improving potency and getting rid of complexes is only possible if the source of the disease, which adversely affects the male urogenital system, is eliminated.
Based on this article, it can be noted that there are many reasons that negatively affect male power. But, as you know, in 93% of cases, erectile dysfunction manifests itself against the background of simultaneous disorders of the body, so the cause must be eliminated before potency can be restored.